Monday, May 5, 2014

so, this is me.

Dear Reader,

Please don't expect anything big from me. I am constantly setting up big expectations for myself and then failing miserably, so let's keep them low for this blog. I won't be solving global warming, or giving you many helpful hints.* I'll tell you the story of me and maybe you'll tell me the story of you, and hopefully, we can be nice about it.

Somehow--and I get the biology of it--the love of my life and I managed to have five children. (BTW, I live in the moment. Not because I'm trying to "live intentionally" or "be present". It's how I'm hard-wired. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow, there is only now. So, when I say I managed to have 5 children, you'll understand that there wasn't a lot of planning or expectation or need going into that, I just rolled with what God gave me). And I was terrified all 5 times and I was joyful all five times and I am perfectly happy to be the mom of these particular 5 children. They are all smart, all goofy, and they all dance to the beat of a different drum. Sometimes, we have fun. Sometimes, we all hate each other, and sometimes, we're indifferent.  No one gets enough attention and everyone wants their own space. Big families are like that, it seems.

Two dogs are also a big part of our family. We have one giant dog and one medium dog, who we call the little dog, but people who are afraid of dogs don't get it. They also are smart(well, maybe not the big one)and goofy and march to the beat of their own drummer. And we're ALL crazy dog people at our house.

Then, there is the hubs. We've been married 23 1/2 years, which is more than half of our lives. We've grown up together and had babies together and most of the time we seem to be working at cross-purposes, but NOBODY makes me laugh like the hubs, or gets my jokes like the hubs, and on the odd nights that there is not a four-year-old lurking in our room, there is no place I'd rather be than snuggled up against him, with his arm around me. Until I get hot and roll over, and he gets mad because I just woke him up and we grumble until we fall asleep, but at least we had that moment.

I have a job, too, where I manage a clothing store for children. I love it and it's exhausting and sometimes it's not so fun, but I get a lot of my external validation from work, so it's good for me.

That's me in a nutshell. More to come soon.


*I have one helpful hint: use baking soda. I have found that it sucks up vaseline, dog "stuff", cleans sandals, brushes teeth, solves indigestion, and is the best greasy pan cleaner. I'll tell you the story about the vaseline another day.  L, C