Friday, June 8, 2018

Enough, loves.

Hey loves,

This week has been a doozy. We have lost a couple of our faves in the very saddest way to lose them. We do not get answers. There is no goodbye. Frankly, it sucks. 

Me and mine, we have big feelings--high and low. Most of us, in my family, have lower lows than higher highs. It's our chemistry, our DNA, our birthright. We know what it feels like to be alone in a crowd. To feel like we are losing, even when we are winning.  There is no rhyme or reason to it. Oftentimes, happiness is temporary. Terrible is the cloud the follows us from home to work, city to city, state to state. Seriously, it's like a Smiths' song come to life. 

We keep living our lives. God helps. We are people of faith and church is often my personal respite. 

Dogs help. If you've wondered about our family dog obsession, I think it's because you are never alone when you have a dog. Dogs have a way of comforting our deepest, saddest, innermost souls. Our house will never be without one. Or two. Or three. (Other people have other pets, but for us, it's dogs. Ok, and the occasional cat who wanders up on the patio.)

Doctors help. Friends help. Work helps. Sunshine helps. Exercise helps. Books help. Music helps. Driving helps. Shopping helps. A little wine helps. Instagram helps. Facebook helps. Just. Making. The. Effort. Helps. 

We are not depressive, morose people on the outside. I mean, most of the time. We laugh. We make things. We cook. We celebrate. We love each other and other people. We also bicker and fight and make a general mess of things. We look regular.  

We are regular. 

So are you, if sometimes you feel like nothing ever goes your way and no one ever hears you. Also, if you just want to lie on your bed until you become a part of the sheets and never have to move or bathe or anything. Or if you push through the fog to go out and fake it for the world. All of us, in this world, know what heartbreak is in some way or another. We know how it feels not to feel loved(even when we are). 

One of my kids went to drama camp this week. During the orientation, the number one question from the kids to the director was, "what if I mess up when we are performing?" The director's answer was my favorite thing ever. She said, "we say to each other, 'you are enough.'" When someone makes a mistake or forgets their lines or messes up, they say "you are enough." 


You are enough. 

you are enough.

YoU aRe EnOuGh.

You are enough

I love you.

PS Get the help you need, if you can. Help a friend to get help, if you can.
text: "home" to 741741 to speak to a crisis counselor
call: 1-800-273-8255

1 comment:

  1. Love you!! You are an amazing woman loving..warm...a great mom ..wife and friend! Love your blog!
