Sunday, July 26, 2020


100 hundred days until election. Wow. It's been a long time coming. You know why I think Trump should go? Because he encourages people to be the worst version of themselves. I'm not as worried about policy as I am worried about our country. Meanness has increased during this administration.

It's the way Trump talks to and about people. It's the way he doesn't argue a point, he just tears people down. He has a weird relationship with women: his words about them are exploitive, condescending, and vengeful. All of his conflicts, whether diplomatic or personal, are inflamed by his rush to negative emotion. He reacts without discretion or foresight, without regard for the fallout he produces. His focus is always inward and when he comments on others, it is only to celebrate or condemn those who impact him. 

To me, that is the thing that has done the most harm to our country: Trump's focus on himself. He has encouraged, through policy and poor personal example, Americans to disregard the need for a society of equals. The administration's policies encourage the rise of income inequality, through taxes that benefit the wealthiest and, ultimately, rob from the middle class. His environmental policy puts public health at risk, and benefits those wealthy enough to exploit our public lands. When offered the opportunity to speak to Americans, or for Americans, Trump takes the low road. Whether it is denigrating his predecessor, sending paramilitary goons to Oregon, locking children in cages along the border, or using alt-right dogwhistles to signal his support for the white supremacist movement in America, Trump manages to undermine what has been our strength for 240+ years: our commitment to each other. Whether it is refusing to wear a mask to protect others and set a good example, or having peaceful protesters forcibly removed to facilitate a photo op(with an upside-down Bible, no less), he is only interested in his own desires and personal image. 

There have been other presidents who I didn't support, but who I assumed loved their country as much as any other American, but I doubt this with Trump. His only pledge is to himself. 

In 100 hundred days, will you vote for the man who mocks anyone who disagrees with him, like a petulant pre-teen? Who feels bad for Ghislaine Maxwell? Who disrespects women? Is the stock market the only thing you value? Is your personal wealth more important than democracy and community? It is time to ask ourselves what matters most to us. I'll vote with my values, and it won't be for Trump.

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