Saturday, July 11, 2015


Hello peeps,

Right this very second, I'm listening to E while she plays on a new reading game on the iPad. She coos "ohhhh, that's a-DOR-able!"about every single picture. At first, it was adorable. Unfortunately, I'm having one of those limited patience days and it isn't anymore. There are lots of reasons for my limited patience days(LPDs)and today, I'm blaming these three things:
  1. lack of sleep
  2. my vacation is drawing to a close
  3. we have had SO MUCH togetherness

To combat my LPD, I got up from the Mac and went to find L, because I've been really short with her today. I found her watching TV and picking the decal off of a perfectly good shirt. I almost had a nervous breakdown right there. WHY ARE YOU PICKING THE PICTURE OFF OF YOUR SHIRT? were my exact words. Then I exhausted screamed and then I hugged her and told her I'd been coming to apologize for my grumpiness and she laughed and said "I was just picking off the black outline," and I said, "You're killing me."

Clearly, I'm not shaking it off. This is the last Saturday of vacation, so tonight, I'll drink my wine and eat my should-be-a-chef husband's grilled chicken, send the children to another room and unwind with some HGTV and then tomorrow, we'll have a screen moratorium and we'll spend our very last day of vacay doing laundry and finding non-electronic ways to drive each other crazy.

Pray for us, friends, we are a mess.


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